Thursday 4 February 2016

How to run Python inside Sublime Text in Windows?

1. Download Python from : and Install it on your system.

2. Download Sublime Text Editor : and Install it on your system.

3. Now open Sublime Text.
  • Create a new file.
  • Give a name to it and save it with .py extension.
  • Let's write a python script that prints "Hello World.."
  • print ("Hello World..")
4. Go to Tools > Build System and check "Automatic" or "Python".

5. Now find the the location where you have installed Python. If you haven't installed Python yet then download it from website link (Find it in Step 1) and install it wherever you want to. 

  • But if you have already installed it then please open Python command line. 
  • Now on title bar of Python command line, you will see something like : "c:\python\python.exe" or a different location, depending upon your installation choice. So, copy the path up to python directory, like this : "c:\python\".  

6. Now right click on My Computer and  click on Properties. From left panel click on Advanced system settings, then click on Environment Variables..., then go to System Variables and find a variable name PATH or Path then click on Edit button and Paste the which we had copied in step 5.

7. Click on Ok button. Again click on Ok button and last one, click on Ok button. If you forgot any of these Ok's then your changes mightn't apply.

8. Restart Sublime text.

9. Now open a .py file and press "Ctrl + B" or go to Tools and click on Build. Now can see your output below your code. That's it!! :)

THIS IS VIDEO TUTORIAL for the same thing (Execute python inside Sublime text).

If you have any queries then please comment down below.

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